Fun handicraft class

By Joyce Wong

Since the 玩艺玩手作班 (loosely translated as a fun handicraft class) started here in the Valley of Hope, the folks have discovered new outlets for expressing their creativity through these activities. It has evolved into a lively playgroup for the elderly in the community. While some find it enjoyable, others uncover hidden talents they never knew they had-- Dad is one of them. His works have garnered the approval of both volunteers and teachers, particularly his latest creation – a meticulously crafted handmade basket.

Now fuelled by the encouragement and appreciation he receives, he immerses himself in weaving every day. His creations have earned appreciation from prospective buyers. We refer to them as prospective buyers as he cannot keep up with the demand. Perhaps knowing that the proceeds from his handiwork will contribute to helping others has instilled in him a sense of empowerment.

A shout-out to the teachers and volunteers of 玩艺玩 and Care & Share Society. Thank you for your dedication. The class has had a positive impact on the community in the Valley of Hope

Ean Nee Tan